This year has brought me few simple lessons to learn and many reasons to be grateful for... and today on my birthday, I wish to share them with all of you:
I look forward with optimism and I feel in my heart, that although this is a year that I never expected to live... it has brought me a new and deeper meaning for life, family, friends and the priorities in my life. It is not an easy road, but one from which I hope I have learned lessons that will teach me to give more, need less and be more compassionate.
If I can leave this message with one important thought for all those WOMEN Friends out there.... Breast cancer is scary, but it can be healed and the chances are really good, if caught on time. CHECK YOURSELF, GO GET CHECKED and pay the extra exams yourself if you need to. As you can see, it can "hit" any of us... no matter how old you are... Don't be afraid, don't go alone and if you need me... I will be there, even if it just to have a coffee afterwards to celebrate.
Thank you to all for being there and grateful for each one of you... you know who you are ;0)