Blanca Melendez Photography: Blog en-us (C) Blanca Melendez Photography (Blanca Melendez Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:19:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:19:00 GMT Blanca Melendez Photography: Blog 107 120 Einschulungfotos  

An Einschulungfotos schon gedacht?


Vereinbaren Sie Ihren Termin zwischen dem 01.09 und 16.09

Einschulung Mappe + Fotoshoot 45€

Für mehr Infos:

[email protected]

















(Blanca Melendez Photography) Children Einschulung Erlangen Familien Fotograf Family Family photography First day of school Fotograf Herzogenaurach Kinder Kindergarten Photography Sat, 21 Jul 2018 09:58:11 GMT
2017 Christmas Mini Shooting Family Christmas Mini Session - Weihnachten Familie-Fotoshooting


You can book your individual Family Christmas Mini Session on November 12th, 2017

Du kannst schon für den 12.November 2017 deine persönliche Weihnachten Familie-Fotoshooting buchen.

At my studio in Herzogenaurach (Christmas Theme)

* Up to 5 people in a 20 minute session

* € 29,- shooting fee**

* Includes your favorite image from the session in Format 13 x 18 cm.

And like every year... there is a new theme and background!!! 





*In meinem Studio in Herzogenaurach (weihnachtliches Thema)

*Bis zu 5 Personen und 20 Minuten Shooting

*Preis: 29€ *

*Inklusive mit deinem lieblings Bild Format 13 x 18 cm. 

Und wie jedes Jahr... gibts es neues Thema und Hintergrund!!!


Christmas / New Year Cards € 39,- Set of 10 Cards  
* Online Gallery to select favorite image for the card
* Image and Cards are edited and customized (Family name/Greeting text) 
* Includes a set of 10 Cards (Flat 10x21 cm) 
* Cards delivered until December 15th 
* Additional sets only € 10,-

Any photos from this years' sessions can also be used for the Christmas Cards

** Payment of the session fee prior to the event is required to guarantee the booking.


Weihnachten- oder Neujahrkarten 39€  - Set mit 10 Karten

Im Preis:

* Online Galerie damit du deine lieblings Bilder auswählen kannst

* Bilder und Karte werden bearbeiten und maßgefertigt (Name der Familie / Wünsch Text)

* Inklusive ein Set mit 10 Karten (10x21 cm)

* Zusätliche Sets nur 10€.

Jedes Bild vom diesjährigen Shooting können für die Weihnachtskarten ausgewählt werden.

**Für die Buchungsbestätigung für das Shooting ist eine Vorauszahlung erforderlich.


For questions, times and bookings, please contact me at:

09132-6417-110  or  [email protected]

I look forward to sharing this special day with you and your family!


P.S. Like my facebook page 'BLANCA MELENDEZ PHOTOGRAPHY' or sign-up to my Newsletter and be the first to know about an upcoming promotion!



(Blanca Melendez Photography) children christmas erlangen familien family fotograf fotografie fotos fürth herzogenaurach mini photo photographer photos photoshoot session shooting weihnachten xmas Sun, 01 Oct 2017 17:19:15 GMT

Family Fall Mini Session  -  Herbst Familie-Shooting

Exclusive Family Mini-Shoot, on-location.                      

You can book your individual Family Fall Mini Shoot October 15th 2017
  What and where:
* Location: To be determined due to foliage
* Up to 6 people in a 30 minute session
* €75 Shooting fee*
* Includes a €25 Gift Certificate for the purchase of any products
Scheduling will be done on a first come first served basis, so be sure to reserve your spot before it's too late!
Exklusiv Familie-Shooting im Park.
Du kannst deinen individuelle Herbst Familie-Shooting für den 15.Oktober 2017 buchen. 
*Ort: Wird nach Blätterlage bestimmt.
*Die Aufnahme dauert 30 Minuten und bis zu 6 Personen.
*Preis: 75€ **
*Inklusive 25€ Geschenkt-Gutschein für den Kauf unseren Produkten.
Reserviere deinen Termin!

For questions, times and bookings, please contact me at: [email protected]

I look forward to sharing this special day with you and your family!

P.S. Like my facebook page 'BLANCA MELENDEZ PHOTOGRAPHY' and be the first to know about an upcoming promotion!

**Payment of the session fee prior to the event is required to guarantee the booking.


Hope to see you soon!

- Blanca-

(Blanca Melendez Photography) children erlangen fall familien family fotograf fotografie fotos fürth herbst herzogenaurach mini photo photographer photos photoshoot session shooting Sun, 01 Oct 2017 15:42:50 GMT
Family Christmas Mini Session  

Family Christmas Mini Session - Weihnachts-Fotoshooting

Unfortunately Santa cannot visit us this year, however this year we will have the Christmas photo shoot in a wonderful winter wonderland!!


You can book your individual Family Christmas Mini Session from 11th until 12th of November 2017 
* At my studio in Herzogenaurach 
* Up to 6 people in a 20 minute session 
* € 29,- shooting fee 
* Includes your favorite image from the session in Format 13 x 18 cm.

Christmas Cards € 39,- Set of 10 Cards 
* Online Gallery to select favorite image for the card 
* Image and Cards are edited and customized (Family name/Greeting text) 
* Includes a set of 10 Christmas Cards (Format folded card A5/A6) 
* Cards delivered on December 10th 
* Additional sets only € 10,-

Photos from this years session can also be used for the Christmas Cards



For questions, times and bookings, please contact me at: [email protected]

I look forward to sharing this special day with you and your family!

P.S. Like my facebook page 'BLANCA MELENDEZ PHOTOGRAPHY' and be the first to know about an upcoming promotion!



*Payment of the session fee prior to the event is required to guarantee the booking.



Hope to see you soon!

- Blanca-

(Blanca Melendez Photography) erlangen fall herzogenaurach mini-shoot photographer photography photos pictures Sun, 22 Sep 2013 19:30:05 GMT



Starting school marks an amazing milestone in your child’s life that will never be forgotten and is the first step onto the path of education and life long learning.

Let me capture this special time full of emotions and anticipation, pride and joy in a family mini session at my studio. Bring the grandparents, godparents and don’t forget the Schultüte!

First Day of School Studio Mini Session

  • September 11th, 2013, choose AM or PM

  • At my studio in Herzogenaurach

  • Up to 6 people in a 20 minute session

  • 45 Euros shooting fee*

  • Three 13 x 18 prints of your choice are included


For questions, times and bookings, please contact me at:

[email protected]


I look forward to sharing this special day with you and your family!




P.S. Like my facebook page ‘BLANCA MELENDEZ PHOTOGRAPHY’ and be the first to know about an upcoming promotion!


*Payment of the session fee prior to the event is required to guarantee the booking.



(Blanca Melendez Photography) Fri, 23 Aug 2013 14:34:12 GMT
Children's Day Image from my friend an awesome photographer: Ikuko Konno Johnson Life's little milestones are important to me, and living abroad has opened my eyes to different cultural customs and how they are celebrated around the world.

For example, when my family lived in Japan we celebrated "Children's Day" on the Fifth of May. Children's Day (or Kodomo no Hi) is a day that is set aside to respect children's personalities and to celebrate their happiness. On this national holiday, families with boys hang beautifully colored carp kites called Koinobori outsides their houses. In Japanese culture, the carp (or koi) is known for its strength and determination and represents courage and perseverance. Each kite (one for each boy) symbolizes the families wish for their son to grow to be brave and strong.
This shared custom is quickly becoming a time honored tradition, and is found to be celebrated in at least 77 countries around the world. This year, I'm in Germany where Children's Day is not celebrated on the Universal date, (recommended by the United Nations of November 20th) but rather on the first of June (Internationaler Kindertag).
We take pride in celebrating our children everyday, but this year lets join together to become united and recognize those little miracles that keep us on our toes.
Koi Printable Coloring Page

(Image copyright goes to my friend and awesome photographer: Ikuko Konno Johnson)

(Blanca Melendez Photography) Children's Day Germany Japan Kodomo no Hi Koi Sun, 31 Mar 2013 21:06:13 GMT
Hare comes the Bunny!... but so many sweets... really? I love Easter and all the egg "hunting", the bunnies and flowers...  but since last year, as we have been trying to keep a healthier nutrition at home... I ask myself... do kids really need so MANY sweet... REALLY?  So this year, I've decided to steer clear of all sweets  (or at least most) and opt for a more "healthy" celebration.  

So, in looking for a bit healthier alternatives... found the following links (see below)... I think this got me thinking and I will definitely try some of these ideas... LOVE the fruit bunnies on the plate, I can't wait to see my boy's faces on Easter Sunday when they wake up to this breakfast..

Brothers 2 Fav

There is nothing wrong with the occasional treat and I think these coconut-carrot muffins sound awesome, after all it's carrot, so it MUST be healthy ;0)...Now, pair that with a Fruit tea, and I'm in heaven!  If your looking for some Spring snack ideas, check out some of the links below and be sure to share some of yours too...
-Healthy Breakfast Recipes with Vegetables-
-Healthy Easter Treats for Kids-
-Sunday Morning Surprises-
Ahhh Spring, small glimpse of what's to come, and a reminder of the life that's blooming before our very eyes.
(Blanca Melendez Photography) Children Easter Erlangen Foto Fotografie Herzogenaurach Kinder Ostern Photography Photos Snacks Sun, 24 Mar 2013 18:16:48 GMT
Contemporary Lifestyle Photo Sessions - Spring What I love the most about the Contemporary Lifestyle Photo Sessions is spending the time with the families in a very fun and relaxed environment, getting to know them, seeing how the family relationships develop and capturing the personality of each of them

Going through last year sessions... loved  remembering this lovely cherry blossom one... reminds me of families, a lifetime of togetherness, kids' spontaneity and the joy of finding a very dear friend through this all... !!!

(Blanca Melendez Photography) Children Erlangen Familien Family Fotograf Frühlingsfotos Kinder Photo Photography Spring familienfotos Tue, 05 Mar 2013 20:30:00 GMT
My new today...



My new life started on March 7th...

and my new birthday on October 25th...

after being told today by my doctor:

"You are FREE, go home".  

Grateful, unbelievable grateful for giving me the chance of life... and healing...





(Blanca Melendez Photography) Thu, 25 Oct 2012 20:07:50 GMT
A Day to celebrate life... my birthday

This year has brought me few simple lessons to learn and many reasons to be grateful for...  and today on my birthday, I wish to share them with all of you:

  • We only have one day, one moment in life.  LIVE IT, enjoy it, choose to be happy and smile.  It will not only make others happy, but you WILL feel better.
  • LOVE your family with all your heart.  Mine has been loving, supportive beyond words can say.  Remember NEVER to take them forgranted.  They are also given to us on a loan.  We only have this one moment to say we: "Love you and give them a hug"... or build memories with them.
  • Be kind.  Not always easy.  But I have learned this year about the power that human kindness has when someone that needs it.  I am grateful for all the friends around the World and people I barely knew that have showed me through so many acts of kindness, how it raised my spirits and made me believe anything is possible.
  • BELIEVE with your heart and soul.  It doesn't matter on what, on God, the power within yourself, Love... it is not just about thinking positive, it is about really believing and being passionate about it.
  • DO WHAT YOU LOVE.  Really, life is to short to be unhappy doing something you don't like.


I look forward with optimism and I feel in my heart, that although this is a year that I never expected to live...  it has brought me a new and deeper meaning for life, family, friends and the priorities in my life.   It is not an easy road, but one from which I hope I have learned lessons that will teach me to give more, need less and be more compassionate.

If I can leave this message with one important thought for all those WOMEN Friends out there....  Breast cancer is scary, but it can be healed and the chances are really good, if caught on time.  CHECK YOURSELF, GO GET CHECKED and pay the extra exams yourself if you need to.  As you can see, it can "hit" any of us... no matter how old you are...  Don't be afraid, don't go alone and if you need me...  I will be there, even if it just to have a coffee afterwards to celebrate.

Thank you to all for being there and grateful for each one of you...  you know who you are ;0)




(Blanca Melendez Photography) Breast Erlangen Fotograf Photography cancer children familien family kinder Tue, 25 Sep 2012 07:34:02 GMT
Blanca Melendez Photography Spring & Summer Specials THINK SPRING. THINK TULIPS. THINK SUNSHINE.


Create an everlasting memory,

while I capture the warmth and the love that brings families together...

Hope to see you soon!!



Picnic collage1


With spring in the air and the warm weather just around the corner, the timing couldn't be better for a photo shoot.

The main focus of this session will be capturing the children at play, so join us and watch the magic unfold

as your little ones breathe life back to spring.


This special introductory session is only available for seven sessions, so book yours today!


Brothers 2 Fav

Normal price: 95 Euro  - Special 79 Euro


FAMILY OUTDOOR Sessions -  Dates:

  1. March 18th  from 9.00 until 16.00  (Spring Session)
  2. April 22th from 9.00 until 16.00  (Spring Session)
  3. May 20th from 9.00 until 16.00  (Out in the fields)
  4. June 24th from 9.00 until 16.00  (Summer Family Fun)
  5. July 15th from 9.00 until 16.00  (Summer Family Fun)

What is included:

  • ​Session on-location (all locations in the Erlangen area)
  • 30 Minutes
  • Up to 5 family members (plus 10 Euro per additional family member)
  • Including a 20 euro Gift Voucher to be used against the purchase of portraits 
  • Minimum of 20 images to choose from
  • Should the event be cancelled due to rain, it will be re-scheduled on the following Sunday
  • Payment of the session fee prior to the event is required to guarantee the booking


(Blanca Melendez Photography) 2012 Children Erlangen Familien Fotograf Fotografie Franken Frühling Herzogenaurach Kinder Nürnberg Photography Promotion Sommer Sonderangebote Specials Spring Summer Tue, 06 Mar 2012 21:47:32 GMT
About a father

Today, I want to celebrate the life of a man, who I love more than words can say and for whom I am thankful to have in my life:  My father…

Someone, who has loved me unconditionally

Someone, who has been there for me, even when I make mistakes, not to “scold me”, but to support me

Someone, who has believed in me, more than I believe in myself

Someone, who has taught me the right from wrong

Someone, who has showed me the value of patience and hard work

Someone, who taught me that there is a brilliant man or woman inside every child, just waiting for an opportunity to show what they can do

Thank you!  A thousand times thank you!  Sad to be so far, but happy that the hearts are so close.

Felicidades papá!

Capture the moment!! Embrace grain: ISO 12800. F 2.8 - 1/100


(Blanca Melendez Photography) Photography Wed, 12 Oct 2011 01:33:41 GMT
Kürbisfest (Pumpkin Festival) Altendorf

Today we went to Altendorf in the “Fränkische Schweiz”.  Every year during the first “official” Sunday of October, they have their Pumpkin Festival.  This year, it is tomorrow, October 2nd.  We were lucky, as most of the town was already decorated, but there wasn’t a lot of people.  We were told that tomorrow it should be very full, but based on how nicely it was decorated, I think it must definitely be worth while.  Tomorrow, they will also be selling other Pumpkin-related products.  We ended up buying two huge pumpkins, a few small ones for decoration and one that I was told can be prepared the same way like an “schnitzel”… let’s see how mine turns out!

Here are a few photos from today.

(Blanca Melendez Photography) Altendorf Erlangen Festival Fränkische Schweiz Germany Kürbis Pumpkin photography photos Sat, 01 Oct 2011 12:34:04 GMT
Summer Exhibition – Finissage

I had this one pending, so finally here it is the summary of the exhibition from the IWG (International Women Group) in Galerie Treppenhaus in Erlangen.  So, for the ones that asked… you can see now, which images went to the exhibit.   For the people living in Erlangen and who like attending art exhibits and love photography as much as I do… keep an eye on the events of this gallery specialized mostly in photography.  They keep a nice calendar of events at their site.

So… here it is:

(Blanca Melendez Photography) Erlangen Exhibition Japan Photography Tori in the water art exhibition photography photos Sat, 01 Oct 2011 00:41:48 GMT
Der Teufel steckt im Detail…

…or translated to English “The devil hides in the detail”… not sure, probably it is the same phrase in English, but in this case, I doubt it is true.

I’ve always liked the details… focusing on things, which we fail to see, even though they are in front of our eyes…

These images are from the Botanical Gardens in Erlangen… a place worth visiting if you do have a chance.

(Blanca Melendez Photography) Erlangen Photography close-up flowers photography Sat, 06 Aug 2011 13:19:33 GMT
Art and crossing paths… from around the World

I can’t hardly believe it…  As we were driving in the car today my son asked me:  ”How many weeks have we been in Germany?”

I am horrible calculating numbers in my head, but hard pressed to provide a quick answer to a 5 year old… I guessed 16 weeks.  I just looked….  I was right.   16 WEEKS!!

What it is so amazing is that I am participating on an Exhibition at the Galerie in Treppenhaus next week!!!  I have to pinch myself to believe!

I am so fortunate to have met and joined the Internationl Women’s Group, who are organizing this event.    I ordered the prints today and should have them back on Friday… can’t wait!!

(Blanca Melendez Photography) Japan Photography exhibition photography Tue, 28 Jun 2011 13:48:17 GMT
Making the World a better place… near a volcano.

This week we made a short trip to La Fortuna de San Carlos. A beautiful place which I hadn’t visited for a long time.

For those of you who are not ticos or haven’t been to Costa Rica… YET… Arenal Volcano is located next to La Fortuna (about 90 kms from San Jose) and has been active for quite some time (since about 1968), becoming a mayor attraction during the 90′s, thanks to it’s beauty and hot springs.

I was there last time before the kids were born, but was never lucky enough to see the volcano so clear like this time.

However, one of the main reasons that brought us to La Fortuna was because we wanted to check out Proyecto Asis (located in Javillos, about 25 kms from La Fortuna in direction to Ciudad Quesada).  Proyecto Asis exists in 8 acres of pure lush green… “No artificial ingredients”!!

What is so remarkable about this proyect is that 12 years ago this land was a “potrero” (pasture where cattle feed).  It has been the love for nature and animals, what has inspired this conservation proyect.  I couldn’t believe after walking through the trails that only 12 years ago, all these trees were not there!!!  It is a true inspiration of what we can do to make our World a better place!

Proyecto Asis combines conservation, animal rescue, spanish school and volunteer work (on conservation…what else!)  Animals that have been hurt or confiscated are brought here, where they are rehabilitated and as much as possible returned to their habitat… each animal has it’s own… often sad story…

Ok, I am not really much of an animal person… I guess that I didn’t grow around animals and I still feel a bit nervous around them… but I absolutely fell in love with the CUTEST and SMARTEST little puppy: Machete.  He even fell asleep at my feet… He is looking for a home too… anyone?

Here are a few pictures of the trip showing: Arenal Volcano, a baby porcupine being fed by bottle, a baby anteater (oso hormiguero), a little very weak squirrel, and the connection between Hercules (a squirrel monkey) and one of his friends at Proyecto Asis.  At the bottom of course… Machete!

This is Machete sleeping at my feet...


(Blanca Melendez Photography) Animal Rescue Arenal Conservation Costa Rica La Fortuna de San Carlos Photography Proyecto Asis Volcano photography photos Sat, 11 Jun 2011 21:12:53 GMT
New beginnings…

“Life is short. Live it now. And live it with all your strength and passion now. Don’t keep it in reserve against a day you might not have. While the ember is still lit, fan it to flame. Be bold about it, even if your circumstances mean all you have is to love boldly and laugh boldy. Because now is all we have, and these dreams won’t chase themselves.” – David du Chemin


BLANCA MELENDEZ PHOTOGRAPHY ( is  officially LIVE.  It’s a beginning.  It’s a dream.   It’s an adventure.  It’s who I am.


And to embark in this journey,  I want to share a session with a beautiful family.  A family with whom I have celebrated beginnings, life and love… a true inspiration.  Living their life strong and showing me that there is a meaning to what I do.




(Blanca Melendez Photography) Children FAMILY Natural light On-location Photography photography Wed, 01 Jun 2011 19:16:13 GMT
Sayonara Japan…

A place close to home

I’ve never been very good with written words… but after March 11th, 2011…
it was literally, like someone turned “the faucet” off… I tried so many times to write about what I was feeling or thinking or seeing, but I couldn’t, words were not my friends.
There was so much I wanted to say… I was feeling so profoundly sad and moved by everything what had just happened.
Now, after closing our house in Japan and having officially moved to Germany …as days go by, it suddendly starts to sink in: that’s it… we are not going back…
I have to say, that if I had to summarize how I feel about Japan in one word, it would be: GRATITUDE…. IMMENSE GRATITUDE… to be more precise, but I guess I would be cheating, since that’s two words!

I moved to Japan three years ago wanting to support my husband in fulfulling a long time dream of living there…more than anything else.   I arrived in Japan with two little kids (2.5 years and 5 months) . That was my first time to set foot on this wonderful country.

Simply put: I was overwhelmed. I think I lost three kilos the first three weeks… I just didn’t see ANYTHING I could eat at the store… in retrospect, that was kind of good, since I still had some of the “baby fat” to get rid off.
After a few weeks, I started realizing that things were like anywhere else. Potatoes are potatoes, tomatoes, bananas and such… and could be found everywhere and were all the same (how did I manage NOT to see them before??)… plus quite a few more interesting ingredients yet to be tested.

And life started becoming a routine. Going to Kindergarden, meeting moms, spending time at the park… I remember my first japanese word was: kawaii (cute), as most japanese moms used to refer to my smily baby.

Making new friends, learning new ways, enjoying the sun, hating the mosquitoes, learning to drive on the left, picking up a new sport, visiting incredible sites… Meeting special friends who have encouraged me to follow dreams long forgotten…

I am grateful for every single memory I have from Japan.
I am grateful for the kindness that people have given me and my family, for they have given us  the opportunity to live in their country and shared their lives with us.
I am grateful for the friends I made.
I am grateful for the love my kids have to Japan and their friends.
I am grateful for kids singing Twinkle Twinkle in Japanese and cute Bento Boxes.
I am grateful for seeing my kids grow in a safe place.
I am grateful for a new point of view.
But most of all, I am grateful for experiencing the love for Japan that I never thought possible, when I first set foot in Narita, with more worries than expectations…

I hope to have learned something from Japans’ people: their kindness, their humbleness, their pride of doing something well, their respect for others, their willingness to serve always with a smile.

Life takes us on to a new adventure… or … who are we kidding!! maybe it is just us… setting up a new adventure for ourselves… one thing is for sure… as our Journey continues… we are NOT the same we were before… for now…


(Blanca Melendez Photography) Japan Photography photography Thu, 28 Apr 2011 12:55:44 GMT
Mt. Fuji: my magic mountain

I’ve never been too athletic (oh what a surprise!!), but I DO like hiking… I guess it started back in Colorado, it must be the views. If I know that there is a beautiful place waiting for me… I will “climb every mountain…” Like Julie Andrews sang in “The sound of Music”.
So, of course, I HAD to climb Mount Fuji. I did it last year and I am no fool trying to climb it twice.  Although I promised my older son to climb it once more with him… I guess I will have to keep in shape…
Today we had the most amazing view driving back from Kawagoe…  Sunset… Fuji-san and Yokohama’s skyline over the Bayview Bridge!!  (of course, my camera was in the trunk of the car!)…  I just had to take it in…  I will miss you Fuji-san, but I will be back!!

Here are a couple of views from our last trip to Fuji-san…

(Blanca Melendez Photography) Sun, 06 Mar 2011 06:56:13 GMT
Yokohama at Night

I have been wanting to post this one for a while.  I love the Yokohama skyline at night.  And I had a chance to go with some lovely friends from my photo club end of last year.  Eventhough it was not terribly cold, it wasn’t warm either… despite that: tripods in hand and freezing fingers, those committed women were hard to convince to finally pack-up and go for dinner.

So, here are a couple of the shots I took that night.  Enjoy!

Yokohama at night

Landmark plaza

Painting with light

(Blanca Melendez Photography) Japan Night photo Photography Yokohama Yokohama skyline photography Sat, 12 Feb 2011 04:51:20 GMT