Blanca Melendez Photography


Blanca Melendez

I am a mom… a photographer...a survivor... and I never give up...

As embarrassing as it can be, I don’t have a single GOOD picture from my first son. I was too overwhelmed with becoming a mom that I just didn’t get a single good picture of him as a newborn. No matter how many pictures I take of him now, it just will not make up for missing that moment. That time is gone.

I thought that I wouldn’t forget how tiny he was, or how his fuzzy hair looked like or his expression the first time he stood up... but I do…

I realize that my memory slowly becomes the pictures I took... 

Having my two sons completely changed me.... the journey to heal from cancer... has made me value even more my family ... and those things that are truly important in life...

My passion is to capture the best of Family, the innocence of kids and the strength of women... to help create memories, that will move you and that will last beyond our own time...